Our 10 Tips for Buying a NC Home

  • Get pre-qualified and pre-approval for your loan amount with a mortgage company. Unless you’re planning on a cash purchase, everything else is dependent on this.
  • Make sure you feel comfortable in your target home community. Drive around the neighborhood on different days and weekends, and at different times to observe activity and noise levels.
  • Consider the proximity to important locations in your life. Are shopping centers, schools, family, doctors, and hospitals nearby? How long will your work commute time be?
  • Always think resale. For instance, a home located near a busy street, railroads, or other noisy areas and structures sell for less and take longer to sell than other homes.
  • Buy in a district with good schools. In most areas, this applies even if you don’t have school age children because of the benefit for resale value.
  • Don’t sweat the “small stuff”. Aesthetics are easily fixable – paint colors, ugly wallpaper, light & plumbing fixtures can be changed at a relatively modest cost.
  • Do sweat the “big stuff”. Foundation and structural defects are expensive to repair, and a dysfunctional flow (bathroom access through a closet, etc.) is expensive to change.
  • Accept that no house is ever 100% perfect. Focus on the most important factors for your family and let the minor ones go.
  • Always, always, always have a home inspected. This should be done by a trained, experienced and licensed home inspector. The $350-$550 this usually costs is worth the peace of mind and avoidance of major hidden problems you may not detect otherwise. (See our Home Inspection Brochure for valuable information)
  • Get professional help. Remember: A Dream Maker Properties team member is just a phone call or an e-mail click away.